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Can I add a Buy it Now option to my Auction Items?

Last updated:
February 2, 2024

We don't currently have a 'Buy it Now' feature for Auction items on the GalaBid platform, however we have a work around you can use in place of this.

Firstly your will need to go to the Items tab and create 2 of the same item, one with item type 'Auction' and the other with item type 'Buy it now'

Now you have created both item types go to the front end of your campaign by clicking the invitation link found at the top left of your dashboard.

This will then take you to the participant view, click your 'Buy it Now' item and then copy the URL in your browser URL bar at the top of the page.

Once copied, return to your dashboard and edit your 'Auction' item and scroll to your 'Item description' at the bottom of the page.

Enter the text you would like displayed in the description, we recommend not pasting the entire link into the description as it is very large, you can link it to selected text by highlighting the text you would like to link it to and then clicking the link icon in the tool bar.

After clicking the link icon you can then paste the URL in the popup box and your linked text will then display underlined and blue, click 'Save' at the bottom of the page to maintain your progress.

Now return to your items tab on your dashboard and edit the 'Buy it Now' item, scroll to the bottom of the page and select 'Show Advanced options' then find the 'Visibility' field and change this to 'Hidden'

Click 'Save' at the bottom of the page and your 'Buy it Now' item will now only be accessed via the item description of your 'Auction' item.

What to do When the 'Buy it Now' Item is Purchased.

Note: This is a manual process

If the 'Buy it Now' item is purchased you will then need to manually remove all bids on the 'Auction' item under the 'Bids and buys' tab and then delete the 'Auction' item under the items tab.

If you have multiples of the same item all you will need to do is edit your 'Auction' item and change the quantity to how ever many are left on the 'Buy it now' item, only when all units have been purchased do you need to remove the bids and the item.