How do I set up a Donation Item?
Donation items on your campaign are a great way for your participants to donate directly to your cause quick and easy.
Here is a tutorial video on how to setup a Donation item or follow the step by step process below.
To get startedm, go to the items tab on your campaign and click '+ Add Item'

You will then have a drop down of all the item types you can create, select item type 'Donation/Crowdfunding'

Once selected it will take you to the item creation page, fill in each of the fields for your donation item to meet your requirements.
We recommend having 'Pay Now' switched on as this will mean your participants pay their donation there and then, if you would prefer that they pay at the end of your Auction, you can switch 'Pay Now' off and their donation will be added to their invoice.

Once all the required fields are filled in, click save at the bottom of the page.
If you are on our 4.9% software fee or Flat fee pricing option, you can link this Donation item to the end of Auction message for unsuccessful bidders encouraging them to make a donation to your campaign.
For more information on this read our article, How to Encourage Donations After the Auction Closes