Raffle Overview
Setting up a Simple Raffle on GalaBid.
How to draw your raffle on GalaBid
How to run a sweepstake or prize draw using GalaBid's raffle software
Hiding the number of raffle tickets remaining for sale on my digital raffle campaign
Online Raffle compliance
How does GalaBid ensure a fair raffle draw?
Email or Text Message sent to raffle ticket purchasers
Messages sent via email or text to online raffle winners
Guidance on selling raffle tickets for online raffle campaigns
How to distribute free raffle tickets on my fundraising campaign on GalaBid
Running a 50/50 digital raffle using GalaBid's fundraising software
Crediting raffle digital ticket sales to individual ticket sellers on my online raffle campaign
This article explains why combining paper and online tickets is not possible on the GalaBid platform.
How to up a raffle with prizes displayed as separate items on GalaBid
Displaying the market value on the raffle ticket winner's invoice