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How do I set up a Simple Raffle on GalaBid?

Last updated:
February 8, 2024

Raffle Format Options

1) Simple Raffle Format

Here is an Example Raffle. In this example the description includes the details of each prize. This is the easiest way to set up a raffle on GalaBid.

Watch this video or read the steps below for a walk through on setting up a simple raffle.

1) Set up a campaign. Next go to the Items section in the left hand menu and add a raffle item. (Note that one raffle item equals one raffle draw.)

2) Add a name for your raffle item.

3) Enter the number of prizes available in this raffle.

4) Set the ticket price, total tickets available and the maximum any one participant can purchase.

Note that purchasers purchase tickets for one raffle item at a time. If there are multiple raffle items available and the the purchaser purchases tickets for more than one raffle they only need to enter their card details for the first purchase. The card information is securely stored and subsequent purchases are quickly processed via a couple of clicks.

5) To create packages of tickets complete the package details.

GalaBid Raffle Item Setup

Tip: If you wish to hide the number of tickets available for sale, this option can be unticked or ticketed in the Advanced Options section (under the description box).

6) Use the Item description to list the prizes, Prize 1, Prize 2 etc.. Add additional relevant information relating to the raffle along with any terms and conditions.

7) Add images to the raffle item as required.

8) Save the item.

9) Go to Setup >Menu and hide or edit the FAQ to make this page relevant for your raffle.

GalaBid Setup Tab Menu Options

10) Edit the item and Click OPEN FOR PURCHASE to make the tickets available for sale.

11) Edit the item and Click CLOSE FOR DRAW

12) Under 'Auction Controls' make sure to set the Auction controls to 'OPEN' so your campaign displays as 'Running' and this will avoid confusion for your participants as this section is only for Auction items.

Important Note: Do not set an Auction Closing time if your campaign does not include Auction items. The Auction Controls Section is exclusively for Auctions.

Drawing the Raffle

Go to the Raffle Draw in the Menu on the Left to draw your winners.

Please Note

  1. The draw is random. The same ticket purchaser could win more than one prize if they purchase more than one ticket.
  2. Each time a raffle is drawn or redrawn the winner is automatically notified of their win. Only redraw if you have alerted the the original winner of the reason for the redraw.

See this short on how video on Drawing the Raffle.

Raffle Display

To see how to set up and run a Raffle Display for a live event watch this short video.



You can now sell tickets for your fundraiser event with GalaBid

Use as a standalone solution, or enjoy a seamless connection with GalaBid’s extensive auction, raffle and donation components, all within the same fundraising campaign.