Why are some payments showing as cancelled in Stripe?
Why are some payments showing as cancelled or declined in Stripe?
There are a number of reasons why payments show in Stripe’s dashboard as cancelled.
1. The most common reason is the participant has abandoned the transaction before it has been completed. In Stripe the cancellation reason will be listed as Abandoned.
2. Another reason Is the participant has cancelled the transaction via the Cancel button as shown in this image. In Stripe the cancellation reason will be listed as Cancelled by Customer.

3. A payment will be blocked by Stripe if the participant enters an incorrect postcode. These payments are also listed as Cancelled in the list of Payments in Stripe. In some instances the customer's bank can approve the payment, however it may subsequently be refunded by Stripe if the post code doesn't match.

In the Stripe dashboard a cancelled payment can be opened to see more information about the cancellation reason. Please also refer to Stripe support for further information.
To view the details of payouts from Stripe including the list of payments included in each payout total login to your Stripe account. To view the details of each payment made on on your campaign you can also download the Payments report in GalaBid. See the Reports section in your campaign's dashboard.