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Can I distribute free Raffle tickets?

Last updated:
March 8, 2024

Raffle tickets cannot be allocated to participants free of charge.

However, raffle ticket prices are editable and campaign administrators can use Volunteer to purchase raffle tickets for participants. You may need to upgrade your account to access Volunteer accounts.

"Purchase" tickets using a Volunteer Account

Use the volunteer account to purchase the ticket(s) on behalf of the participant. Use a credit or debit card or Apple or Google Pay to process an online payment . Alternatively mark the sale as paid by cash. If using a credit or debit card you may wish to temporarily reduce the raffle ticket price before processing the online payment (Items > Edit Item).

A notification is automatically sent to the participant via email or text. The notification includes a link to view the raffle ticket number(s).

See this article for a walk through of Volunteer Mode. The example shows placing a bid on behalf of a participant, however, purchasing a raffle ticket on behalf of a participant follows a similar process.

Contact our online chat support team for further clarification.



You can now sell tickets for your fundraiser event with GalaBid

Use as a standalone solution, or enjoy a seamless connection with GalaBid’s extensive auction, raffle and donation components, all within the same fundraising campaign.