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Projector display CSS Snippets

Last updated:
April 15, 2024

Projector Display

Check out this article first if you haven't already to see how to apply these snippets to your campaign, click here

Event display full screen background image 

/* Event display full screen background image */

gb-presenter > div {
    background-size: cover;

Event display item images contained in image box

/* Event display item images contained in image box */

.table-item-image.flex-50 {
    background-size: contain;

/* List view */

gb-item-table-widget .table-item-image {
    background-size: contain;

Remove days from countdown timer

/* Remove days from countdown timer */

div.timer-values.layout-row > div:first-child{
    display: none;

White background behind all of the item images 

/* White background behind all of the item images */

.table-item-image.flex-50 {

Add ‘total raised’ before the total raised counter

/* Add 'total raised' before the total raised counter */

[ng-style="$ctrl.getCounterStyles()"]:before {
    content: 'Total Raised';

Hide bidder names from item table

/* Hide bidder names from item table */

gb-bidding-item-amount-label {
    display: none;